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Added by roger (2)
Cover by vinoman

Added on: 09/10/2002
Latest update: 20/08/2015
User updates processed: 2

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Doctor Who: The Day of the Daleks (1972) [5092-80]

Country  USA  
Released  13/02/1992
Publisher  Fox Video
Price  34.98 USD

UPC  086162509261UPC=086162509261
Category  TV Series

Color  Color
Length  89 min.
Sides  2
Chapters  20
Size  12"
Picture  Academy Ratio
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  3M or IMATION



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles  CC 
English No subtitle  English 

 Mint Marks sample 

 Additional Information by roger (2)   21/03/2004 

This is the BBC home video version as released in the mid 80's in the UK and is the movie length version, not the original 4 part episode as broadcasted.

 Additional Information by videopticon    23/03/2007 

This is the first of only two Doctor Who titles on NTSC LD, the other being "The Five Doctors". The jacket notes go to the trouble of briefly describing the Daleks backstory and their popularity as recurring villains. The disc labels and the program title sequence agree that the episode is named "Day of the Daleks", yet the jacket's face and spine insist on plunking an extra "The" up front.

Side 2 program content runs just over 29 minutes, meaning it could easily have been pressed as a CAV side. Instead, two unlisted chapters are devoted to the Chace surround test sequence, utterly useless on a mono program, and a stretch of bars & tone.