Murphy's Law applied to LaserDiscs: Any damaged disc received in a shipment will be the most valuable and expensive in the shipment.
v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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Feedbacks for: jamesyp1 (43)  

 Week Month YearTotal
Total Transactions: 82 Leaving feedback when...?
Cancelled transactions (buying): 7 buying

Feedback Summary

95.7 %
Feedback received | From Buyers | From Sellers | Left to others  [1]  [2] 
 Feedback  User  was  Date  
 Great disc packed great .drorabaugh (18)Seller2018-04-02
 Great discs.lvdisc (1507)Seller2018-03-07
 Flawless discs great cust.service .all around exceptionalgandjrarities (1721)Seller2018-01-08
 Nice disc great packing .finderscove (529)Seller2017-12-04
 Great discs packed well .starlaser (243)Seller2017-12-04
 Excellent discs professionally packedlaserblazer (3665)Seller2017-12-04
 Great disc packed perfectlyeric05gto (231)Seller2017-12-04
 Great discmikeystoyz (698)Seller2017-11-14
 Great discccomicjungle (956)Seller2017-11-09
 Great discsdialmformovies (107)Seller2017-11-09
 Great discfreebirdcompany (1)  Seller2017-10-27
 Great discseverything_place (416)  Seller2017-10-22
 Great discstreetlightrecor (587)Seller2017-10-22
 Nonsense . Didnt recieve this disc from you .how is that funny? No jokes from meajslds (248)Seller2017-09-04
 A closed shop I hope he got other people their items .mine never showed up!thisguynate Seller2017-09-04
 I gotta get me a sword on my tripod one of these days .played great bunchtrytone (38)Seller2017-09-04
 Another I'm my spidersmithjc7311 Seller2017-08-30
 Not bad or good ?..I guess if I didn't get I don't need it (175)Seller2017-08-30
 Great selections in about every genre super fast shipping I'll shop here againkitschkatvintage Seller2017-05-05
 not bad not good not pleasant G and J beats this buyer with ease.beware sellerfirehorse_44 (730)Seller2017-03-16
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