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#LDDB=05988   #IMDB=0058385

IMDb live rating 

Collection:1090th (160)   Ask:$14.98
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Added by prospect60  
Cover by thepenguin

Added on: 09/10/2002
Latest update: 10/07/2020
User updates processed: 5

 [Click here for FORUM URL] 

My Fair Lady: 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition (1964) [8167-85]

Country  USA  
Released  23/11/1994
Publisher  Fox Video
Price  129.98 USD

UPC  086162816765UPC=086162816765
I-S-B-N  (none)
Category  Musical

Color  Color
Length  173 min.
Sides  6
Chapters  77
Size  12"
Picture  Letterboxed
Ratio  2.20:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Box Set
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer USA



Intro THX Broadway 
 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles  CC 
English No subtitle  English 

 Mint Marks sample 
54-157A2-05  H1120222  MADE IN USA
54-157B1-10  H0000777  MADE IN USA
54-157C1-02  G0281684  MADE IN USA
54-157D1-03  G0284505  MADE IN USA
54-157E1-04  G0304980  MADE IN USA
54-157F1-01  G0290460  MADE IN USA

 Additional Information by prospect60     09/10/2002 - Last update: 24/11/2003 

30th Anniversary Edition trasferred for the original 65mm material.

Large Box Set with multiple inclusions:

  • 24K Gold CD of the soundtrack
  • Portfolio of costume designs
  • Book: Cecil Beaton's Fair Lady
  • Documentary: More Loverly Than Ever
  • Clips of frames of a 70mm print

 Additional Information by daffodil31le (13)   10/07/2020 

Each disc in its own full color sleeve, which is a copy of the front with Audrey shifted to the right to provide room for the label cut-out.