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Added by admin (425)
Cover by samaron (6)

Added on: 16/11/2002
Latest update: 20/07/2020
User updates processed: 4

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genesis 0:10 (1996) [KILA 158]

新世紀エヴァンゲリオン Genesis 0:10 (cover)

Country  Japan  
Released  05/12/1996
Publisher  Star Child
Price  5631 JPY

UPC  4988003922511UPC=4988003922511
Category  Anime

Color  Color
Length  51 min.
Sides  2
Chapters  45
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Gatefold
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Mitsubishi



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
Japanese No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 
KILA-158  A 04 M  A61A07558
KILA-158  B 02 M  B61A07559

 Additional Information by joshzyber (1)   21/06/2003 

Each Japanese release of Neon Genesis Evangelion included two episodes in CAV format. Each disc was packaged in its own gorgeous gatefold jacket, with the second half of the fold used to store printed materials.

Volumes 0:10 - 0:14 were also available in a special box collection that oddly did not have its own catalog number (KILA 158, the same as Volume 0:10) or UPC.

 Additional Information by admin (425)   20/07/2020 

Comes with a 2-side black & white insert, a color poster of the front cover art and a merchandising insert.