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#LDDB=34029   #IMDB=0029583

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Added by villagenumber6 (10)
Cover by mimylovesjapan (18)

Added on: 20/05/2004
Latest update: 10/09/2023
User updates processed: 4

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Special Edition (1937) [PILA-1320]

スペシャルコレクション 白雪姫 (cover)

Country  Japan    
Released  10/07/1995
Publisher  Walt Disney Home Video
Price  20600 JPY

UPC  4988102320119UPC=4988102320119
Collection  Walt Disney Classics
Category  Animation

Color  Color
Length  180 min.
Sides  6
Chapters  75
Size  12"
Picture  Academy Ratio
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Box Set
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer Japan



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Left  Analog Right 
 Score & Effects
 Language #1  Language #2  Subtitles 
EnglishJapanese No subtitle 

 Additional Information by villagenumber6 (10)   21/09/2008 

Analog left has original English mono.

 Additional Information by masterminder277    10/09/2023 

Supplemental material at the end of side 4:

  • Side 5 - The Making of a Masterpiece
  • Side 6 - supplemental material

Includes a leaflet in Japanese with the making of chapter description 10 exclusive lithographs (original posters from 1937 to 1993) and a 88 pages illustrated making of book (in Japanese).