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#LDDB=40285   #IMDB=0089861

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Added by laserking (43)
Cover by laserking (43)

Added on: 08/03/2006
Latest update: 30/08/2024
User updates processed: 4

 [Click here for FORUM URL] 

Witch from Nepal (1985) [W0005 C88]

奇緣 (Qí yuán) (cover)

Touch of Love, A (alternative)

Country  Hong Kong  
Released  1988
Publisher  ???
Price  ???

UPC  (none)
I-S-B-N  (none)
Category  Horror
Rating  Cat III

Color  Color
Length  85 min.
Sides  2
Chapter  None
Size  12"
Picture  Pan & Scan
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer Japan



 Sound Encoding  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
CantoneseChinese (traditional)
(in picture)

 Mint Marks sample 
W0005C88-A01-P   2D030160
W0005C88-B01-P   2D030122

 Additional Information by laserking (43)   09/03/2006 

Publisher is Star Paging Laser Disc Ltd.

 Additional Information by ohnoyoko (18)   30/08/2024 

The film has electronic Traditional Chinese subs whenever there's non-Cantonese dialogue, otherwise the film is unsubbed.

The film is called "Witch from Nepal" on the sleeve and the disc labels. The film's title card has the English title "A Touch of Love."

This appears to be a PAL->NTSC transfer.

Stickers on the back of the sleeve state both that the film is Cat III and that it can't be sold to anybody under the age of 18.