A thief once tried to take my HLD-X9 player
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
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Added by lunarjetman (13)

Added on: 24/06/2007
Latest update: 08/08/2009
User updates processed: 1

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Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 214 (1996) [15-978]

Country  USA  
Released  1996
Publisher  ???

UPC  (none)
I-S-B-N  (none)
Category  Music Videos

Color  Color and B&W
Length  117 min.
Sides  2
Chapters  29
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer USA



 Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
English No subtitle 

 Additional Information by lunarjetman (13)   25/06/2007 - Last update: 08/08/2009 

These discs were not available to the public, they were specially manufactured master copies that were only intended to be used by broadcasting companies; in this case, 'The Box' satellite TV music video channel.

 Additional Information by musicfilmldbd (11)   08/08/2009 

Track List:

  • Barrio BoyZ - Eres Asi Como Te Vi
  • Shakira - Estoy Aqui
  • Cristian - Amor
  • Enrique Iglesias - Experiencia Religiosa
  • Ricky Martin - Maria
  • Selena - Techno Cumbia
  • Lourdes Robles - Me Dejar Llevar
  • Olga TaƱon - Basta Ya
  • Thalia - Amandote
  • Jon Secada - Es Por Ti
  • Soda Stereo - Eela Uso Mi Cabeza Como Un Revolver
  • Gloria Estefan - Tres Deseos
  • Carlos Vives - Pa' Mayte
  • Ricardo Montaner - Soy Tuyo
  • The Fugees - Killing Me Softly
  • Weird Al Yankovic - Gump
  • 2Pac feat. Snoop Dogg - 2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted
  • Delinquent Habits - Tres Delinquentes
  • Van Halen - Humans Being
  • The Boys Choir of Harlem - Up in Harlem
  • Kenny Lattimore - Never Too Busy
  • Ideal - Inner City Blues
  • The Whitehead Brothers - Feel your Pain
  • Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen - Theme from Mission Impossible
  • Paul Westerberg - Love Untold
  • The D.O.C. - 4 MY Doggz
  • Solo - He's Not Good Enough
  • Ice-T - I Must Stand
  • The Nixons - Sister