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Added by melinda_mcclure (63)  
Cover by sirhcx (61)

Added on: 25/12/2012
Latest update: 09/08/2024
User updates processed: 3

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Amy Yip Photo Collection (1992) [CH-002]

葉子楣: 誘惑你的心 (cover)

Yèziméi: Yòuhuò nǐ de xīn (alternative)

Country  Hong Kong  
Released  ???
Publisher  Star Entertainment
Price  ???

UPC  ???
Category  Adult

Color  Color
Length  54 min.
Side  1
Chapter(s)  ???
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Mitsubishi



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
Mandarin No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 

 Additional Information by melinda_mcclure (63)     31/05/2013 

This disc is mostly a show case for The Model Amy Yip and has mostly music but does have minimal Cantonese dialogue.

 Additional Information by ohnoyoko (18)   24/01/2024 - Last update: 09/08/2024 

A "cheesecake" video starring Amy Yip, possibly made to promote her one and only musical release, a Mandopop album called 《十分坦白》 ("Completely Candid"). Amy performs in various scenarios in various states of undress, "confessing" various thoughts and desires along the way. Some of the vignettes resemble music videos, with at least one featuring a song from her record (《沒有愛就不能在一塊》, or "Without Love, We Can't Be Together"). It ends with an excerpt from a live musical performance starring Amy.

Despite what the previous comment stated, all audio is actually in Mandarin. This is presumably due to the video being produced by Chong-Hong Film & TV (長宏影視股份有限公司), a Taiwanese production company. The "CH" in the reference number may be a reference to Chong-Hong productions released by Star, the distributor.

Despite being listed as 53 minutes on the sleeve, the runtime is precisely 54 minutes.

The video has no English title, and no English title is printed on the sleeve or disc ring. The international title given here is the title given in a Star catalog. ("Amy Yip: Tempting Your Heart" is a rough machine translation of the Chinese title.)