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Added by signofzeta (22)
Cover by hippiedalek

Added on: 14/05/2012
Latest update: 26/03/2021
User updates processed: 2

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The Timelords: Doctorin' The Tardis (1988) [KLFCD-003]

Country  United Kingdom  
Released  28/05/1988
Publisher  ???
Price  ???

UPC  ???
Category  Music Videos

Color  Color
Length  3 min.
Side  1
Chapters  4
Size  5" CD Video
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Yellow
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  MPO France



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
English No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 
KLF CD 003 MPO 05 @@

 Additional Information by hippiedalek    17/02/2017 

On the packaging both track 1 and the video are listed as having a runtime of 3:34 but only actually run for 2:24. Published by Phonovision Entertainment.

Track List:

  • Doctorin' The Tardis [2:24]
  • Doctorin' The Tardis (Instrumental) [4:28]
  • Doctorin' The Tardis (12" Club Mix) [8:09]
  • Doctorin' The Tardis [2:24] (VIDEO)