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v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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Database found 15 titles on query:  Advanced Search
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
13227 Bewegte Mann, Der (1994)LBX1995PALGermany 
HC021078 Fantastic Four (2005)1080pGermany 
HC021068 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)1080pGermany 
51367 Feuer, Eis & Dynamit (1990)LBX/SRD1991PALGermany 
13457 Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee (1997)LBX/SRDPALGermany 
HC021108 Hero (2002)1080pGermany 
13267 Judge Dredd (1995)LBX/SRD/+CAVPALGermany 
L1268 Never Ending Story, The (1984)P&S/Uncut1994PALGermany 
HC021008 Parfum, Das: Die Geschichte eines Morders (2006)2007-03-141080pGermany 
HC021088 Resident Evil (2002)2007-10-181080pGermany 
HC021098 Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)2007-10-221080pGermany 
HC021158 Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)2008-02-141080pGermany 
13327 Seven (1995)LBX/SRD1996-09PALGermany 
AM-0025 Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997)SRDNTSCSingapore 
0982-98 Wrongfully Accused (1998)P&S/SRD1999NTSCSingapore 
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