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Database found 269 titles on query:  Advanced Search Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
40878 'Burbs, The (1989)P&S/SRD1989NTSCUSA 
40770 *batteries not included (1987)P&S/SRD1988NTSCUSA 
22008 Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein: Encore Edition (1948)ANA/+CAV1986-04NTSCUSA 
40630 Against All Flags: Encore Edition (1952)ANA/+CAV1988NTSCUSA 
10005 Airport (1970)P&S/SRD/+CAV1987-09NTSCUSA 
40009 Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)ANA1987-06NTSCUSA 
21005 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)ANA/+CAV1987-08NTSCUSA 
40684 Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)ANA/+CAV1988NTSCUSA 
16001 American Graffiti (1973)P&S/ANA1984NTSCUSA 
40536 American Tail, An (1986)SRD/CAV1987-11NTSCUSA 
40017 American Werewolf in London, An (1981)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40196 Back to the Future (1985)SRD/ANA1986-05NTSCUSA 
45-40196 Back to the Future (1985)SRD1986-05NTSCUSA 
22014 Bank Dick, The: Encore Edition (1940)ANA/+CAV1986-01NTSCUSA 
45-19007 Battlestar Galactica (1978)MONO1983NTSCUSA 
45-17008 Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The (1982)P&S/MONO1983NTSCUSA 
40799 Biloxi Blues (1988)P&S/SRD1989NTSCUSA 
11007 Birds, The (1963)ANA1986-07-10NTSCUSA 
40180 Blood Simple (1984)ANA1985-10-10NTSCUSA 
10-033 Border, The (1981)P&S/ANA1985NTSCUSA 
40727 Born In East L.A. (1987)P&S/ANA/+CAV1988NTSCUSA 
40171 Brazil (1985)SRD1986-08NTSCUSA 
40167 Breakfast Club, The (1985)P&S/ANA1985-10-10NTSCUSA 
45-40167 Breakfast Club, The (1985)P&S/MONO1985-10NTSCUSA 
40194 Brewster's Millions (1985)P&S/ANA1986-01NTSCUSA 
45-40194 Brewster's Millions (1985)P&S/SRD1986-01NTSCUSA 
23003 Bride of Frankenstein, The: Encore Edition (1935)ANA/+CAV/Uncut1985-11NTSCUSA 
23003 Bride of Frankenstein, The: Encore Edition (1935)NTSCUSA 
40476 Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986)P&S1987-09NTSCUSA 
22007 Buck Privates: Encore Edition (1941)ANA/+CAV1986-08NTSCUSA 
40431 Bullies (1986)P&S/ANA1987-04NTSCUSA 
40788 Casual Sex? (1988)P&S/SRD1989NTSCUSA 
45-11014 Cat People (1982)P&S/SRD1983NTSCUSA 
16021 Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980)P&S/ANA1984NTSCUSA 
40644 Cleopatra: Encore Edition (1934)ANA1988NTSCUSA 
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