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Database found 63 titles on query:  10.0* Browse:  [1]  [2]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
10.01.00 Laser Juke: Music Compilation SeriesNTSCAustralia
10.01.02 Laser Juke: Music Compilation Series (2002)8"/LBX2002-01-10NTSCAustralia
10.02.001 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)PALFrance 
10.02.004 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)SRD1990PALFrance 
10.03.001 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)P&S/SRDPALGermany 
10.03.003 Top Gun (1986)P&S/SRD1991PALGermany 
10.03.004 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)P&S/SRDPALGermany 
10.03.005 Witness (1985)P&S/SRD1991PALGermany 
10.03.006 Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)P&S/SRD1992PALGermany 
10.03.008 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)LBX/SRD1992PALGermany 
10.03.009 Midnight Run (1988)SRD1992PALGermany 
10.03.010 Chinatown (1974)LBX/UncutPALGermany 
10.03.012 Untouchables, The (1987)LBX/SRD1992-01-01PALGermany 
10.03.013 Godfather, The (1972)P&S/ANAPALGermany 
10.03.014 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)LBX1992PALGermany 
10.03.015 Crocodile Dundee II (1988)LBX/SRD1992-01-01PALGermany 
10.03.016 Bird on a Wire (1990)LBX/SRD1993PALGermany 
10.04.001 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)P&S/SRD1990PALNetherlands 
10.04.002 Scarface (1983)P&S1991PALNetherlands 
10.04.002 Scarface (1983)P&S1991PALGermany 
10.04.003 Top Gun (1986)P&S/SRD1990PALNetherlands 
10.04.004 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)P&S/SRD1991PALNetherlands 
10.04.005 Witness (1985)P&S/SRD1991PALNetherlands 
10.05.003 Top Gun (1986)P&S/SRD1990PALItaly 
10.05.004 Amazing Stories (1985)SRD1990PALItaly 
10.05.005 Witness (1985)P&S/SRDPALItaly 
10.05.006 Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)P&S/SRD1992PALItaly 
10.05.007 Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto (1984)SRD1990PALItaly 
10.05.009 Midnight Run (1988)P&SPALItaly 
10.05.01-A Laser Juke: Music Compilation Series (2001)8"/LBX2001-02-26NTSCAustralia
10.05.010 Chinatown (1974)LBXPALItaly 
10.05.012 Untouchables, The (1987)LBX/SRDPALItaly 
10.05.013 Godfather, The (1972)P&SPALItaly 
10.05.10 Laser Juke: Music Compilation SeriesNTSCUnited Kingdom
10.05.102 Delta Force, The (1986)PALItaly 
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