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Database found 15 titles on query:  3200*
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
32-001 Gene Littler's Golf (1971)ANA/CAV1978DiscoVisionUSA
32-002 Swimming: Freestyle and Backstroke (1977)ANA/CAV1979DiscoVisionUSA
32-003 Swimming: Breast Stroke and Butterfly (1977)ANA/CAV1978DiscoVisionUSA
32-004 Better Tennis in 30 Minutes (1977)ANA/CAV1979DiscoVisionUSA
32-005 Basketball with Bill Foster & Gail GoodrichANA/CAVCancelledDiscoVisionUSA
32-006 If You Can Walk and Listen to the Mountains (1977)ANA/CAV1979DiscoVisionUSA
32-007 Jim Fixx On Running (1980)ANA/CAV1982NTSCUSA 
32000 Night to Remember, A (1942)ANANTSCUSA 
32003 Delta Force 3 (1991)P&S1992-01-29NTSCUSA 
32004 Dandy in Aspic, A (1968)LBX1991-01-30NTSCUSA 
32006 Key, The (1958)P&S/ANANTSCUSA 
32007 Tokyo Joe (1949)ANA1989-06-30NTSCUSA 
32008 Affair in Trinidad (1952)ANANTSCUSA 
32008 Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Special Edition (1980)P&S/STEREO1983PALUnited Kingdom 
32009 American Samurai (1992)P&S1993-03-31NTSCUSA 
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