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Database found 142 titles on query:  79* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
790 027-1 Peter Ustinov reads Hans Christian Andersen StoriesANA/CAV1982PALUnited Kingdom
790 031-1 Soccer - The Game of the Century (1978)ANA/CAV1982PALUnited Kingdom
790 105-1 CalimeroANA/CAV1983PALUnited Kingdom 
790 139-1 Ape and Super-Ape (1971)ANACancelledPALUnited Kingdom 
790 140-1 New York City Ballet, The (1974)ANA/CAV1982PALUnited Kingdom
790 146-1 Modern times (1936)1981PALUnited Kingdom 
790 156-1 Heinz Rühmann erzählt Max und Moritz (1982)ANA/CAVPALGermany 
790 161-1 Great Dictator, The (1940)ANA/BilingualPALGermany 
790 182-1 Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (1972)ANA/CAV1982PALUnited Kingdom 
790 186 1 Quadrophenia (1979)P&S/SRD/ANA1983-01PALUnited Kingdom 
790 208 1 Barbapapa (1973)ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 212 1 Peppi & Kokki (1978)ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 316 1 Endless Love (1981)P&S/ANA/Bilingual1982PALGermany 
790 403-1 Endless Love (1981)P&S/ANA1982PALUnited Kingdom 
790 404 1 American Werewolf in London, An (1981)P&S/ANA1982PALUnited Kingdom 
790 405 1 Deadly Blessing (1981)P&S/ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
790 408 1 Redneck (1932)ANA1982PALNetherlands
790 411 1 Quadrophenia (1979)ANAPALNetherlands 
790 420 1 American Werewolf in London, An (1981)P&S/ANA/Bilingual1982PALGermany 
790 424-1 BZN: De Hits In Beeld (1982)ANA/CAV1982-07PALNetherlands
790 428 1 Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (1972)ANA/CAVPALNetherlands 
790 429 1 Julius Caesar (1970)ANAPALNetherlands 
790 457 1 High Ice (1980)ANA1983PALNetherlands 
790 479 1 McVicar (1980)P&S/ANA1983PALUnited Kingdom 
790 499 1 Barclay James Harvest: Berlin (1982)ANA1983PALUnited Kingdom
790 533-1 Video Rock Attack (1984)ANA1985-01PALUnited Kingdom
790 564 1 Big Boss, The (1971)P&S/ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 565 1 Fist of Fury (1971)P&S/ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 566 1 Way of the Dragon, The (1972)ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 567 1 Game of Death (1978)ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 575 1 American Werewolf in London, An (1981)LBX/ANA1982PALNetherlands 
790 585-1 Roxy Music: The High Road (1982)ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
790 586 1 Kevin Rowland & Dexy's Midnight Runners: The Bridge (1983)ANA1984-09PALUnited Kingdom 
790 587-1 Rainbow: Live Between the Eyes (1982)ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
790 588 1 Luciano Pavarotti: Royal Gala Concert (1982)ANA/CAV1984PALUnited Kingdom
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