Listen Al, if I never see you again, I want you to know that I love you very much. I also buried all my LaserDiscs somewhere in the apartment -- right next to the cure for blindness. Good luck.
v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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Database found 171 titles on query:  EL * Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
ELV 2020 They Call Me Trinity (1971)P&S/ANA1983PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2026 Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia, The (1981)P&S/ANA1983PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2027 Nightcomers, The (1972)P&S/ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2038 Manitou, The (1977)P&S/ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2043 Rider on the Rain (1969)P&S/ANA1985-03PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2049 Prom Night (1980)ANA1983PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2053 Murder by Decree (1979)P&S/ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2054 Parasite (1982)P&S/ANACancelledPALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2055 Seduction, The (1982)P&S/ANA1985-07PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2056 Winter Kills (1979)P&S/ANA1985-03PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2069 Goldengirl (1979)P&S/ANA1984PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2081 This Is Spinal Tap (1984)P&S/ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2179 Emerald Forest, The (1985)P&S/ANA1987-01PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 2183 Chorus Line, A (1985)P&S/SRD/ANA1987-01PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 3016 Spetters (1980)ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 4004 Saturday the 14th (1981)P&S/ANAPALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 4030 Forbidden World (1982)P&S/ANA1985-03PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 6000 Champions (1984)P&S/SRD/ANA1985-03PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 6001 Reuben, Reuben (1983)P&S/ANA1985-08PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 6101 Barbarous Street (1984)P&S/ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 6103 Gwendoline (1984)SRD/ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 6104 Highest Honour (1982)P&S/SRD/ANA1985-08PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 7004 Open It, You Are FinishedLBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ELV 7005 Wicked Wife, A (1991)BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ELV 7006 Gal Who Lies, TheNTSCHong Kong
ELV 7012 Automobile Accident Fakers, The (1992)BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ELV 7016 Sex Makes You SlimLBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ELV 7017 Sex of the Imperial (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ELV 7505 Lily in Love (1984)P&S/ANA1985-08PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV 7506 Nairobi (1984)P&S/ANA1985-06PALUnited Kingdom 
ELV7018 Love in Sampan (1992)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
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