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Database found 171 titles on query:  EL * Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
EL 036 Going with Them1995-04-11NTSCHong Kong
EL 037 Moonlight Boy1995-04-11NTSCHong Kong
EL 038 Tears and Triumph: Part I (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-05-09NTSCHong Kong 
EL 039 Tears and Triumph: Part II (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-05-09NTSCHong Kong 
EL 040 Lay the Laid1995-05-09NTSCHong Kong
EL 041 Nude Dancer1995-05-09NTSCHong Kong
EL 042 Mermaid Got Married (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-06-07NTSCHong Kong 
EL 043 Maids of Passion1995-06-07NTSCHong Kong
EL 044 Chinese Feast, The: Part I (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-07-04NTSCHong Kong 
EL 045 Chinese Feast, The: Part II (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-07-04NTSCHong Kong 
EL 046 And the Band Played On (1993)1995-07-04NTSCHong Kong 
EL 047 Unrequited Love1995-07-04NTSCHong Kong
EL 048 Chinese Odyssey, A: Part Two - Cinderella: Part 1 (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-07-11NTSCHong Kong 
EL 049 Chinese Odyssey, A: Part Two - Cinderella: Part 2 (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-07-11NTSCHong Kong 
EL 050 RevanchistBilingual1995-07-11NTSCHong Kong
EL 051 Far Removed from War (1987)LBX1995-07-11NTSCHong Kong 
EL 052 1941 Hong Kong on Fire: Part I (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-07-18NTSCHong Kong 
EL 053 1941 Hong Kong on Fire: Part IILBX/Bilingual1995-07-18NTSCHong Kong 
EL 054 This Boy's Life (1993)LBX1995-07-18NTSCHong Kong 
EL 055 Emmanuelle Forever (1993)LBX1995-07-18NTSCHong Kong 
EL 056 Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Part I (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-08-03NTSCHong Kong 
EL 057 Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Part II (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-08-03NTSCHong Kong 
EL 058 Emmanuelle's Love 1995-08-03NTSCHong Kong
EL 059 Fist of Legend: Part I (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-08-10NTSCHong Kong 
EL 060 Fist of Legend: Part II (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-08-10NTSCHong Kong 
EL 061 Island Fear1995-08-10NTSCHong Kong
EL 062 Maniac1995-08-10NTSCHong Kong
EL 063 Whatever You Want: Part I (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-08-28NTSCHong Kong
EL 064 Whatever You Want: Part II (1994)Bilingual1995-08-24NTSCHong Kong
EL 065 Stone ManBilingual1995-08-24NTSCHong Kong
EL 066 Emmanuelle's Magic (1993)LBX1995-08-24NTSCHong Kong 
EL 067 Mother of a Different Kind: Part I (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-09-07NTSCHong Kong 
EL 068 Mother of a Different Kind: Part II (1995)LBX/Bilingual1995-09-07NTSCHong Kong 
EL 069 Home Together1995-09-07NTSCHong Kong
EL 070 Dream Lover: Part I1995-09-15NTSCHong Kong
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