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Database found 127 titles on query:  LV 12* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
LV12723 Intruder (1988)P&S/ANANTSCUSA 
LV12731 Never on Tuesday (1988)P&S/ANA1989NTSCUSA 
LV12732 SouvenirP&S/ANANTSCUSA
LV12733 Puppet Master (1989)P&S1990NTSCUSA 
LV12736 Monty Python Flying Circus #081990-12-15NTSCUSA 
LV12737 Monty Python Flying Circus #091991-01-05NTSCUSA 
LV12738 Monty Python Flying Circus #101991-01-05NTSCUSA 
LV12739 Monty Python Flying Circus #111991-01-30NTSCUSA 
LV12740 Monty Python Flying Circus #12 (1970)1991-01-30NTSCUSA 
LV12741 Best of Eddie Murphy, The (1989)NTSCUSA 
LV12742 Lee Trevino's Putt for Dough1990-12-15NTSCUSA
LV12743 American Angels: Baptism of Blood (1990)ANA1991-02-15NTSCUSA 
LV12746 All Star Golf: Tips From Pros (1989)ANA1990-12-15NTSCUSA
LV12747 All Star Golf: Fantastic Approaches (1989)ANA1990-12-15NTSCUSA
LV12749 All Star Golf: Fabulous Putting (1990)ANA1991-01-30NTSCUSA
LV12750 All Star Golf: 25 Great Second ShotsANA1991-01-30NTSCUSA
LV12758 Tracks (1976)1992-07-30NTSCUSA 
LV12764 Can She Bake a Cherry Pie? (1983)1992-07-30NTSCUSA 
LV12771 Roe vs. Wade (1989)1990-12-15NTSCUSA 
LV12772 Meridian: Kiss of the Beast (1990)SRD/ANA1991-02-14NTSCUSA 
LV12780 New Year's Day... Time To Move On (1989)P&S1992-07-30NTSCUSA 
LV1285-WS Urban Cowboy (1980)LBX/AC31997-12-23NTSCUSA 
LV12858 Godzilla's Revenge (Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaiju daishingeki) (1971)P&S/+CAV1994-05-25NTSCUSA 
LV12862 Last Days of Planet Earth (1974)P&S1995-08-01NTSCUSA 
LV12864 Godzilla: King of the Monsters (1956)1994-05-25NTSCUSA 
LV12865 Rodan (1956)+CAV1994-05-25NTSCUSA 
LV12872 Monty Python: Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982)1991-08-09NTSCUSA 
LV12873 Satan's Princess (1990)P&S1992-08-27NTSCUSA 
LV12880 Celebrity Guide to Wine (1990)1991-04-30NTSCUSA
LV12882-WS Paper Moon: Directors Series (1973)LBX1995-07-05NTSCUSA 
LV12883-2WS Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)LBX/SRD1992-04-01NTSCUSA 
LV12888 Puppet Master 2 (1990)P&S/SRD1991-02-05NTSCUSA 
LV12893 Pit and the Pendulum, The (1991)P&S1991-07-05NTSCUSA 
LV12894 Days of Thunder: Making of (1990)1993-01-28NTSCUSA 
LV12895 Subspecies (1991)SRD1991-08-15NTSCUSA 
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