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Database found 10 titles on query:  PILJ-112*
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
PILJ-1120 The Modern Jazz Quartet: Anniversary Concert (1987)1993-02-25NTSCJapan
PILJ-1121 The Modern Jazz Quartet: 40 Years of MJQ - Anniversary Concert Vol.2 (1992)1993-03-25NTSCJapan
PILJ-1122 Tenor Titans1993-01-25NTSCJapan
PILJ-1123 Devil's Toothpick, The: Donald Harrison/Kenia (1993)NTSCJapan
PILJ-1124 Brecker Brothers: Return of the Breccker BrothersNTSCJapan
PILJ-1125 Thelonious Monk: Round Midnight Solo '69 (1975)1993-08-25NTSCJapan
PILJ-1126 Charles Fambrough: Live - Blues at Bradley (1993)NTSCJapan
PILJ-1127 Weird Nightmare: By R. Davis To C.Mingus (1993)1993-10-25NTSCJapan 
PILJ-1128 Dexter Gordon: Live at Montreux 19871993-12-10NTSCJapan
PILJ-1129 Carla Bley & Steve Swallow: Duets (1988)1994-02-25NTSCJapan
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