Listen Al, if I never see you again, I want you to know that I love you very much. I also buried all my LaserDiscs somewhere in the apartment -- right next to the cure for blindness. Good luck.
v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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Database found 22 titles on query:  WD0*
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
WD078L-01004 Disney Cartoon Jubilee, A (1973)ANA/Bilingual1987-07-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-02005 Mickey Mouse Anniversary Show, The (1968)ANA/Bilingual1987-07-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-03006 This is your Life, Donald Duck (1960)ANA/Bilingual1987-07-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-04011 More Tales of Pluto (1976)ANA/Bilingual/+CAV1987-08-28NTSCJapan
WD078L-05012 Mickey's Golden Jubilee (1978)ANA/Bilingual/+CAV1987-08-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-06017 Cartoon Carousel (1975)ANA/Bilingual1987-09-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-07018 Disney's Greatest Dog Stars (1981)ANA/Bilingual/CAV1987-09-28NTSCJapan 
WD078L-08021 It's A Goofy WorldBilingual1987-10-28NTSCJapan
WD078L-09022 Sport Goofy's Vacation (1984)ANA/Bilingual1987-10-28NTSCJapan
WD078L-10024 More Silly Symphonies (1986)ANA/Bilingual/Uncut1987-12-05NTSCJapan
WD078L-11025 Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The (1977)ANA/Bilingual1987-12-05NTSCJapan 
WD078L-12027 Peter Pan (1953)NTSCJapan 
WD078L-13028 Alice in Wonderland (1951)ANA/Bilingual1987-12-05NTSCJapan 
WD078L-14029 Dumbo (1941)ANA/Bilingual1987-12-05NTSCJapan 
WD088L-15031 Disney Cartoon Festival: vol.4 (1981)ANA/Bilingual/+CAV1988-10-25NTSCJapan
WD088L-16032 Disney Cartoon Festival: vol.5 (1986)ANA/Bilingual1988-10-25NTSCJapan
WD088L-17035 Disney Cartoon Festival: vol.6 (1986)ANA/Bilingual1988-11-25NTSCJapan
WD088L-18036 Disney Cartoon Festival: vol.7 (1986)ANA/Bilingual1988-11-25NTSCJapan
WD088L-19041 DuckTales: Treasure of the Golden Suns (1987)ANA/Bilingual1989-04-10NTSCJapan 
WD088L-20044 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Birds of a Feather (1988)ANA/Bilingual1989-05-25NTSCJapan 
WD088L-21047 DuckTales: Earth Quack (1987)ANA/Bilingual/+CAVNTSCJapan 
WD088L-22048 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: The Great Honey Pot Robbery (1988)ANA/Bilingual1989-05-25NTSCJapan 
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