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Database found 20 titles on query:  Dirty Pair:*
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
BEAL-101 Dirty Pair: Affair of Nolandia (1985)ANA/CAV1986-05-28NTSCJapan 
BEHD-1001 Dirty Pair: Affair of Nolandia (1985)STEREONTSCJapan 
VPLY-70022 Dirty Pair: Birthday Collection (1985)ANA1986-05-21NTSCJapan
VPLY-70040 Dirty Pair: Complete Collection (1985)ANA1987-08-21NTSCJapan
70030-78 Dirty Pair: From Lovely Angel with Love (1985)ANA/CAV1987NTSCJapan
VPLY-70038 Dirty Pair: Great Search Collection (1985)ANA1987-06-21NTSCJapan
VPLY-70266 Dirty Pair: LD Box (1985)
[Cover] Dirty Pair's Big Payoff
[Original] ダーティペアの大決算
VPLY-70017 Dirty Pair: Masterpiece Collection (1985)ANA1986-03-19NTSCJapan
VPLY-70028 Dirty Pair: Mystery Collection (1985)ANA1986-09-21NTSCJapan
70046-78 Dirty Pair: OVA vol.1 (1987)ANA/CAV1987-12-21NTSCJapan
70047-78 Dirty Pair: OVA vol.2 (1988)ANA/CAV1988-01-21NTSCJapan
VPLY-70048 Dirty Pair: OVA vol.3 (1988)ANA/CAV1988-02-21NTSCJapan
VPLY-70049 Dirty Pair: OVA vol.4 (1988)ANA/CAV1988-03-21NTSCJapan
70050-78 Dirty Pair: OVA vol.5 (1988)ANA/CAV1988-04-21NTSCJapan
VPLY-70023 Dirty Pair: Special Edition Collection (1985)ANA1986-06-21NTSCJapan
BEAL-299 Dirty Pair: The Conspiracy of Flight 005 (1990)CAV1990-01-25NTSCJapan 
BELL-135 Dirty Pair: The Movie (Project Eden) (1987)ANANTSCJapan 
BELL-375 Dirty Pair: The Movie (Project Eden) (1987)LBX1990-10-25NTSCJapan 
VPLY-70029 Dirty Pair: Variety Collection (1985)ANA1986-11-21NTSCJapan
70039-78 Dirty Pair: Wink Collection (1985)ANA1987-07-21NTSCJapan
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